Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Happenings 8-19-09

Lets see, I found out who my cooperating teacher is and that instead of being placed at the high school I will be at the middle school. My 1st co-op teacher is Jennifer O'Gorman, who is someone I am proud to say is a friend. I look at this as a blessing and as a detriment. It is a blessing, because I am going into a class with someone I am familiar with. It is a detriment because sometimes it is hard to take negative feedback from a friend, yet at times it is easier, so I guess I am torn.

They changed the start date of the school here from the 31 to the 8th of September, so a bit later then originally planned. They also have changed the school year from a tri-mester setting to semesters. I think this was a very good plan. I was talking with my son and a couple of his friends about it and they were torn. Ethan didn't like it, but his friends did. I told them that I think once everything is worked out that they will like it better because the classes will be shorter and they won't burn out as quickly in the class as they did in the longer classes. They are also worried about the budget cuts and not having electives. I know the art teacher left the high school, but I don't know anyone else in the electives category. Ethan and his friends are at the high school.

I think that is about all of the new updates I have for the moment. Oh was assigned my universtiy supervisor so I will be calling him today sometime.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Changes to calendar for school year

I went onto the schools website today and wow have they made changes. First the school is now going to start September 8th instead of in August. The other major change is that they are going back to semesters instead of trimesters. I think this is a really good change myself. I was never wild about the trimester scenerio, but it was not my call. I understood why they changed said it was to help the kids be better prepaired for college, bit I don't think it was good for the kids as the classes were to long especially for the younger ones.